Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Ok so I've been slacking from blogging for a very long time... First thing I want to say is to the gr 10s and 11s. When you get the chance to go onto the gr 12 retreat... take it. It's one of the most worthwhile experiences you'll ever have. It's good fun mixed in with help for preparing for final IB exams.

Over the hols... did nothing... yeah now that we're back at school, there's just work... no fun whatsoever =[ Stupid World Literature is due on Friday... I really don't feel like working on it today...

*sighs* Oh wells... better get back to work... or procrastinate. The latter sounds much better.


  1. what's your word count for world lit. atm?? D:

    mine's OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

  2. *stabs Akio with a rusty knife, before ramming more chairs into his legs and then stealing his jumper/bag/stylus pen and putting it somewhere too high up for him to reach*
