Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I hate winter... so damn tiring T_T

So haven't been blogging lately cause... cbf. The new timetable is barely any different to what I've got this term except that I've got no subjects on Wednesday... really is no point on going Wednesdays next term if it weren't for the fact that I can go city.

Not gonna bother going school on Friday... I mean... what's the point... Biol and Chem pssh cbf going to that.

I've been thinking lately about that TOK-ish question. A cup half filled with water... is it half full... or half empty. Course it could be both, and it wouldn't work for any other increment, for example empty... and not full? Nor would it work for Full and not empty. But which is it exactly? I guess it would depend on the person judging. A more depressed person would say it's half empty cause they feel empty. Whereas it would be different for someone more optimistic as they would feel 'full' sort of... To me it could be either... it doesn't really matter cause in the end the meaning turns out the same.

Yeah... random... but oh wells.

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